SaraBear asked on

Thu Jun 4, 2015 2:07am

Views: 3833

Question: Getting pregnant after the Implanon?? I am losing my mind!! :(

I am in tears right now because I was so stressed out about trying for our own child( I have a daughter from a previous relationship). My husband and I have been trying since March of this year and I had no idea it would be this difficult. I am 11 dpo as of right now and just took a Dollar Tree Test but it was a BFN :( I have been having cramps at night like AF is coming but nothing. Bloating, hungry, and swollen breasts. But I understand those are also PMS symptoms. I am just beginning to lose hope here. I have read dozens and dozens of stories where women get off this type of b.c and conceive so quickly!! What am I missing here...please help!

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