Share your opinions on preconception, TTC, pregnancy testing, pregnancy and having baby! And see how everyone else responded!
- BFN Pregnancy Test - What do you do if your period is late and your pregnancy test is negative?
- Birthday Day - What day were you born on?
- Blue or Pink Pregnancy Test - Do you prefer pink dye or blue dye pregnancy tests?
- Early Pregnancy Testing - Do you take a pregnancy test before your period should start?
- EDD and Actual Birth Date - Was your first baby's estimated due date (EDD) correct?
- False Positive Pregnancy Test - Have you ever had a false positive pregnancy test result?
- Fertile Period - Which best describes you during your fertile days?
- Girl or Boy - His Pref - Does your husband have a gender preference for your baby?
- Girl or Boy - Your Pref - Do you have a gender preference for your baby?
- Girl or Boy? Finding Out - Did you (or do you plan to) find out your baby's gender before giving birth?
- Home Pregnancy Testing & Partner - Do you home pregnancy test alone, or with your partner?
- How Big a Family - How many kids are you planning on having?
- Implantation Symptoms - If you've BFP'd, did you experience any implantation symptoms?
- Know Your Name - How many people do you personally know with your name?
- Naming Baby - Did you have your baby's name picked out before your baby was born?
- Next Birthday - When will your next next birthday occur?
- Ovulation Detection - Which method of detecting ovulation do you use most?
- Planning Baby - I would love to have my baby born in the:
- Positively Pregnant Test - When you BFP'd, when had you pregnancy tested?
- Preconception Counseling - Have you seen your OB/Gyn for preconception counselling?
- Preconception/Prenatal Vitamins - Do you take preconception/prenatal vitamins and folic acid when you're trying to conceive or are pregnant?
- Preferred Pregnancy Test - Which is your preferred home pregnancy test?
- Pregnancy Test Type - Which type of pregnancy tests do you prefer?
- Pregnancy Test Usage - When TTC, how many pregnancy tests do you take each cycle?
- Showing Baby's BFP - Will you show your baby - when grown - his or her pregnancy test photos?
- Time to Conceive - How long did it take you to conceive your first baby?
- TTC Announcement - When you're trying to conceive, who have you told?
- TTC BusyBody - When TTC, what do others say that annoys you most?
- TTC with Ovulation Tests - When trying to conceive, do you use ovulation tests?
- Vaccinating Kids - What's your position on vaccinating children against major diseases such as measles?
- Worst Ovulation Day - Which is your least fave day to ovulate?