Lovingmom asked on

Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:44am

Views: 2205

Question: Late period

I have a cycle app that follows my cycle. I'm fairly new to it. I only started it last month. It sent me a notification a few days ago saying my period was late. Another mom from a fb group recommended I try this place. I enter in my last period and ovulation and it says I'm 5 days late.
I'm over tired like i just dont sleep enough and limited energy. I have food cravings, I seem to be emotional and cry over something I wouldn't normally. I also feel kind of queezy like as though I'm overly hungry but I'm not hungry.
My breasts aren't tender though which is usually a first sign for me.

Should I take a test or keep waiting? It's 5 days late now.

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