Aniyah asked on

Tue Aug 28, 2018 2:15pm

Views: 1736

Question: Faint positive first response test?

My period was due August 19th
I had some light bleeding a week before that which only lasted five days
I don’t have any sore breast
I have a little nausea
Headaches, cramping, twinges and frequent urination
On 8/23/18 I woke up around 3 A.m with really bad gas pains, went to use the bathroom but nothing came out
I felt that way until 8 A.m
8/24/18 I took a first response and it came out with a faint line after three minutes
Then I took a digital with the same pee I used for the first one and it came out negative
Is it a false positive or can I still be pregnant?

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