Conception Planning Questions and Answers
If I am trying to conceive, when is the best time in the cycle to conceive? Answer>
What is preconceptual counseling and why is it important? Answer>
Is preconceptual counseling advisable even if I've had a prior successful pregnancy? Answer>
Do my prior pregnancies impact the one I'm planning to have? Answer>
How does my prior gynecologic history impact future pregnancy? Answer>
I'm thinking about getting pregnant soon, when should I stop my birth control? Answer>
I have medical problems, but want to get pregnant soon - what should I do? Answer>
If I want to get pregnant soon, what is important to know about my family history? Answer>
I want to get pregnant soon - what about vitamins and folic acid? Answer>
What should I know about smoking (my own and my husband's) if we're thinking about getting pregnant soon? Answer>
What about alcohol - how much is too much, before and after I conceive? Answer>
If I want to get pregnant, when is the best time to see the dentist? Answer>